We arrest the johns, but leave the girls alone. If they want to talk, fine, but otherwise we just offer them immigration help and legal and medical assistance.


Carisi: A lot of people have come out of the closet. Times have changed.
Carlos: Not in here. In here, you come out of the closet, you go into a casket.

Benson: Keene wouldn't let it go?
Carisi: Worse than that. He didn't know what I was asking him for.
Benson: Meaning what?
Carisi: Keene's deputies have been covering up the fact that he has dementia.

Benson: Okay, so we need warrants for the DNA of all eight suspects.
Carisi: Why not nine and make it a ball team?

Savannah Baker: Carlos was a mama's boy. He never took his hand to another child.
Rollins: What about Ricardo? He confessed.
Savannah: Down home, we call that being railroaded.

Rollins: Just to be clear, we had DNA that didn't match either of the suspects.
Fin: Why check DNA when you had confessions?
Kat: And it's the projects. They were murdered at a bad address.

25 to life and he never gave up the third guy? He's not talking.


Carisi: Kat doesn't miss a trick. I bet someone stole her lunch money once.
Benson: Or tried to.

Man: 5-0 is always 5 minutes late.
Woman: No cameras for our security but plenty of mug shots for our boys.
Fin: We're SVU, not the warrant squad.

Kat: We arrested him, Lakira. But I'm going to need you to come down to the courthouse and speak to the ADA.
Lakira: I don't know. Every morning I get up and I tell myself, 'You're a beautiful human, Lakira' even though my family says it ain't so, even though people stare at me like I'm some sort of puzzle they don't want to figure out. And now you're telling me you want me to stand in front of a bunch of strangers and say I was raped?

Man: Sanjay... what did you do?
Sanjay: I did it for you, Dad.

Carisi: Now I have to keep Mr. Syed in holding for a crime he probably didn't commit because if I don't, Hadid'll have my head.
Rollins: What'd you expect when you went over there? That place is all politics and that's not your strong suit.
Carisi: I don't care about politics. I ignore all that and try to do my job.
Rollins: Oh really? Cause it seems to me that you're more worried about what your boss thinks than whether Chloe was assaulted.
Carisi: You know what I'm worried about? I'm worried about a domestic violence case where the victim won't cooperate. I'm worried about a trans girl who got assaulted by a corporate lawyer who's got a case we're never gonna make.
Rollins: Not with that attitude, you won't. None of this would have been happening if you hadn't left.
Carisi: So that's what this is about?
Rollins: Everything would have been fine if you'd been with me. You were my partner and you walked out on me.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
