Blumfeld: Is there a promotion in this for you?
Carisi: I've met you a few times, and I don't know you very well, but you don't know me at all.

Maxwell: Are you here to arrest him?
Benson: I'm sorry. But there will be no perp walk and no cuffs. We will do this as discreetly as possible.
Roger: No, no. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Maxwell: Yes you are. You will go quietly and you will keep your mouth shut until -
Roger: Until what, you can find a way to save your own ass?

Benson: At best, Roger thought these girls were granddaughters of club members.
Carisi: And at worst, he was engaging in prostitution of minors.
Benson: Either way, it doesn't bode well for Maxwell's marriage.
Carisi: Or her career. Stuff like this is poison to the eighth floor.

Velasco: Loyalty is everything with the cartel. People don't get out.
Churlish: You did.
Velasco: I came this close.
Churlish: Close to what?
Velasco: Dying. Chili should have added me to his body count that night.

Benson: What are we looking at?
Bruno: Professional skeet shooter. She used her husband's reproductive organs as a clay pigeon.

You're here early. Shouldn't you be at home organizing your merit badges or something?


Carisi: Don't forget he is a rapist.
Benson: I'm not making excuses for him, but he's also a victim. We need to remember that and treat him like one.

Connie: I'm horrified. I thought I knew Henry. Maybe he was jealous of my son or my son was jealous of him.
Carisi: So it was a regular cocaine and Abel, huh?

Life isn't pass/fail, Churlish.


Connie: I am doing whatever I can to protect my son. Just like you would do. What you did. That gang case?
Benson: So you follow the news.
Connie: I admire you for raising a child alone, being both mother and father. When my husband ran off, all Martin and I had were each other, so I will do anything to protect him.
Benson: Including bribing rape victims?
Connie: Sounds like you have an axe to grind with people who have money.
Benson: When they abuse that power to protect rapists, yeah.

Dude had his head on Mommy's boobs?


Fin: Mommy was pissed.
Benson: That wasn't anger, Fin. That was jealousy.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
