Velasco: You don't think he's actually good for this? I mean, he's Tommy's father.
Benson: Velasco, one thing you'll learn on this job is you never know what anyone's capable of.

McGrath: Where are we with this?
Benson: Well, the Grindr hookup was staged.
McGrath: I knew that already. Sorry.
Benson: What's going on?
McGrath: Teenage daughters are harder than any case.

Rollins: Thanks for coming back in.
Benson: Sure. Your hometown hero got attacked, of course I'm going to be here.

Benson: McGrath wants all the DV-5s from the week by tonight.
Fin: Tell him to get a life.
Benson: Where is everyone?
Fin: Acting a fool.

Benson: That's a hell of a story.
Carisi: Yep. And he'd better plead out because if he tells that story in front of a New York judge and a jury... If this goes to trial, it's gonna be a real show.

Stabbed in the groin the day after Tino was assaulted? That's not a coincidence. That's revenge.


Benson: So, Noah, you want to tell me what was going on when I picked you up from Annie and Hudson's?
Noah: I don't want to talk about it.
Benson: What's that red mark on your neck?
Noah: If I tell you, will you stop asking?
Benson: Of course. Honey, you can tell me anything.
Noah: Hudson's a jerk, okay? He put his dog collar on me and he made me get in the dog cage and eat his food. And I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Tino's Dad: He's not with Mami.
Carlos: Maybe he went out.
Tino's Dad: Where would he go? He's eight.

Thank you. You just gave the movement the martyr we need.


Fin: Do we need a warrant?
Rollins: He gave me his keys and asked me to take care of his dog.

Rollins: Don Johnson?
Murphy: Anyone who comes up to a cop on the street is either crazy, lonely, or guilty.
Rollins: I think he's hitting all three. I grabbed his cell number off the dog tag.

I feel bad that you are missing Christmas with the girls when I've missed every Christmas with Jessie.


Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Quotes

Benson: They want me to get an MRI, but who has time for that?
Carisi: No. You have to see an orthopedist. You don't mess around with a broken ankle.
Benson: Thank you Dr. Carisi.

Carisi: I don't know... someone can see us.
Rollins: It's the courthouse at 10 o'clock. It's not like the cleaning crew's gonna care.