McGrath: Okay, so we're missing a few pieces of the puzzle. This whole city is on boil. Make some arrests.
Benson: We can definitely do that, but we're not just missing a few pieces of the puzzle. These are two different puzzles and we don't have any pieces of the second one.

Man: Sorry you have to work on Christmas. Have a wreath?
Rollins: We really shouldn't. We'll donate it to a shelter.

Benson: These kids are minors. We can't put their faces out even if we arrest them.
McGrath: We won't arrest them if we don't get their faces out.
Declan: We put their faces out, all anyone will see is kids from the projects, gangbangers.
McGrath: So we can't go after the kids who attack Jews if they're Black, is that it?

All these attacks on people because of who they are, who they worship, what they look like... we can't have that. Not in New York City.


Rollins: What the hell is wrong with people?
Fin: Don't get me started.

Stabler: He tried to run my partner's car off the road.
Barba: Objection.
Judge: Sustained. Jury will disregard. Detective Stabler, you have been warned. Answer only the questions you have been asked.
Stabler: He did it just like he killed his father and my wife and he tried to kill his ex-wife.
Barba: Your Honor, do we let him keep going on until he blames my client for the kidnapping of the Lindenberg baby?
Judge: Final warning, Detective Stabler. One more word and I'm holding you in contempt.
Stabler: How much is Wheatley paying you, Judge?

Olivia: Whatever happened between you and Angela, Wheatley knows, which means Barba knows and is going to use it.
Elliot: He doesn't know anything. He's riling Barba up and Barba's riling you up.
Olivia: I need to know what happened.
Elliot: It's none of your business. And it's none of the court's business. The only real question here is why are you really asking?
Olivia: Because I want to trust you.
Elliot: What does that mean? Liv, come on, what does that mean?
Olivia: I understand that you have been working through a mountain of grief and I have tried to be there for you. But this is a one-way street. You have never once asked how I've been since the last time we saw each other.

Barba: Given that Isaak Becker's head was smashed into a fence and his shoulder was dislocated, would you say that Elliot Stabler used excessive force?
Bell: We had reason to believe Becker was armed, so no.
Barba: But he wasn't armed. By the way, isn't your wife currently suing the NYPD for using excessive force against your nephew?
Carisi: Objection. Relevance?
Barba: I'm not sure there is any. I just appreciated the irony.

Barba: I know you're convinced that Wheatley is guilty.
Olivia: I am.
Barba: That does not give you the right to frame him.

Barba: I'm sorry for your loss.
Elliot: Are you? Then why are you defending the man who killed my wife?

Richie: I don't need protective custody. No one knows I"m gonna testify.
Fin: We have to tell the defense before trial.
Richie: Right. So you have to tell my dad.
Fin: If that's a problem, better say so now.
Richie: It's not. After what he did to me, to my grandfather, he's dead to me.

Wheatley: I've done well with self-made men. They work hard, hustle twice as hard. Only problem is, they come with a chip. What's yours?
Barba: I don't suffer fools, especially as clients. Why don't you tell me your side?

Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Quotes

Benson: They want me to get an MRI, but who has time for that?
Carisi: No. You have to see an orthopedist. You don't mess around with a broken ankle.
Benson: Thank you Dr. Carisi.

Carisi: I don't know... someone can see us.
Rollins: It's the courthouse at 10 o'clock. It's not like the cleaning crew's gonna care.