Price: So you're telling us that your key card was cloned, the murder weapon was planted, and now security video was created out of thin air using advanced technology, all to frame you?
Stafford: Please, you have to believe me.
Price: Why should we believe you when we can see what happened with our own eyes?

Just be careful. The motive is just as likely to hurt as to help. Fear of losing one's job to AI is pervasive these days. All I'm saying, Nolan, is that it's going to be easier to sympathize with the man who lost his job than the billionaire who fired hundreds of employees.


Research shows that people prefer giving artificial intelligence a female name and pronouns. Makes it less creepy.


James: Look, Evan and I were like brothers. That means sometimes we fight like brothers.
Riley: Did you ever fight over Eva?
James: Eva? No, that was Evan's purview. But what does Eva have to do with anything?
Riley: You tell us. We don't even know who Eva is.
James: Eva isn't a woman. She's a software program, the most advanced AI there is.

Lawyer: The point is, my client and his wife were on the 27th floor of the building when Evan Marks was shot.
Shaw: No, the point is your client has to prove it.

Walsh: It's an opportunity for well-known people to have a safe space to relax and expand their mind.
Riley: By expand their mind you mean ketamine, mushrooms... look, we're Homicide cops. We're not here to bust you for recreational drug use.

Hughes: I didn't shoot him! Look, when I got there Evan was arguing with some other dude. I didn't want to get involved so I stood back. Then the gun went off.
Shaw: So how did you end up with his 2k an dhis watch?
Hughes: After the shooting, I went to check on Evan but he was already dead.
Shaw: So you're telling me you robbed your dead friend?
Hughes: Look, I'm not proud of it, but studio time is expensive.

Riley: What a way to start the day, huh?
Shaw: I'm not sure it's actually started yet.
Riley: Not a morning person?
Shaw: I love a morning. 4 AM, still last night.

Law & Order Season 23 Episode 2 Quotes

Hughes: I didn't shoot him! Look, when I got there Evan was arguing with some other dude. I didn't want to get involved so I stood back. Then the gun went off.
Shaw: So how did you end up with his 2k an dhis watch?
Hughes: After the shooting, I went to check on Evan but he was already dead.
Shaw: So you're telling me you robbed your dead friend?
Hughes: Look, I'm not proud of it, but studio time is expensive.

Riley: What a way to start the day, huh?
Shaw: I'm not sure it's actually started yet.
Riley: Not a morning person?
Shaw: I love a morning. 4 AM, still last night.