Dixon: Happy birthday, Frank. The big 5-0. Can't believe it.
Frank: Yeah, it doesn't feel great, but better than the alternative.

Lily: I didn't say I had suicidal thoughts! I just said I can understand how kids can do crazy things like that when they're stressed. I was just trying to be open and bare my soul like they told us to do.
Mrs. Cosgrove: We know. But honey, you know if you do feel that way, you can always come to us.
Lily: [to Cosgrove] How can I? You said you would keep this between us and you lied.

Nolan: It doesn't really matter where he was put. He would have confessed regardless.
Judge: But he's 16.
Nolan: He's two days shy of his 17th birthday.
Judge: The confession is suppressed.

I'm saying we need to treat everyone equally. He's six months shy of his 17th birthday and he bet a mn to death. Forgive me if I don't shed a tear.


Psychologist: Cooper is a great kid. Top of his class, contributes to charitable causes. In my professional opinion as a psychologist, there's nothing that suggests he's capable of violence.
Cosgrove: In my professional opinion has a homicide detective, everyone's capable.

Dixon: And... we're back to n owhere.
Shaw: I wouldn't say we're nowhere. I'd say we're nowhere-adjacent.

Shaw: This guy has an apartment that's worth what, $40 million?
Cosgrove: Give or take.
Shaw: My point is, if he's a billionaire, why is he worried about what he has to do at work?

Cop: She saw someone run west.
Cosgrove: Well, unless he was a fish, he didn't run east.

I'm sorry, but I felt it was better to support our daughter than to mourn the death of our son. And I was afraid she would try to hurt herself again. Yes, she.

Mrs. Myers

Cosgrove: You provided medical intervention on a child without the parent's consent?
Susan: I was respecting her personhood.

Some interesting material you got there in your bag, Paul. You Antifa folks got a real way with words.


Cop: No sign of forced entry, and there are cameras covering the front and rear.
Shaw: Okay. Let's check the footage.
Cop: I talked to the Congresswoman. Her office is sending it right over.
Shaw: Congresswoman?
Cop: His wife is Congresswoman Kristin Bartell of the 3rd Congressional District.
Cosgrove: She loves to be the center of attention. But I'm sure this is not the kind of attention she wants.

Law & Order Quotes

Bernard: We'd like to see the surveillance footage from last night, if that's possible.
Mrs. King: I'm afraid I haven't used them in years.
Donovan: Your husband is the most hated man in America and you don't even turn on the alarm?
Mrs. King: I'm from North Carolina. We don't even lock our front doors.

Every victim deserves our respect, even the ones that raped 40 women.
