Arrogance in the face of impending doom. I almost respect it.


Sometimes I think that the true curse we carry is family.


Aurora: People have always made us feel as though we need to be fixed. But we don't need to believe them when they say we're broken.
Lizzie: That's borderline empowering. Keep it up.

Who I am is strong, with or without my power.


Lizzie: I just couldn't let you die without apologizing.
Aurora: For what?
Lizzie: Calling you crazy, being dismissive, judging your symptoms and not their cause, treating you the same way everyone treated me whenever I'd have an episode. I used to think of my brain as a weakness, but maybe all the issues I've struggled with are what allowed me to break the sire bond.

Ted: How did you imagine this would work? You betray me and then I do exactly as you say, like a good little Necromancer?
Landon: You better start apologizing soon. He's getting more necro by the second.

Lizzie: I'm sorry.
Aurora: Don't be. It's not your fault my mind is broken.

Landon: I am the dead one. Who are you to be telling me how ghosts work?
Wade: Wait, is this a dream?
Landon: Yes! Busted, bro-tato!
Wade: I should've known. I always dream about you coming back to the school.

The Jinni: My sincerest apologies, Fred.
Ted: It's Ted, the Ted.

The Jinni: When peace is at their very fingertips, it's always I wish to be rich, I wish to be famous, I wish to be Lady Gaga, whoever she is.
Landon: That actually makes a lot of sense.
The Jinni: Bottom line is people wish for the world and the worldly comforts they know. That's the trap.

Can't you see my brain is on fire? I'm inspired.


Just stick with me. I'm kind of a legendary first-day wingman.


Legacies Season 4 Quotes

Ask Alaric about Landon.


Ethan: Why didn't you just take the truck?
Malivore: Who said I wanted the truck?