Bike cop: You're a cop? Seriously?
Riggs: Funny. I was going to ask you guys the same thing. You know, my father said a man should never wear shorts to work, but if he saw these know it's the cut of them. That's what makes them sexy.
Bike cop: Three tickets.

If the bad guys have a car, what do you do, call 911?


Your own music? Your own drugs? That's my kind of party.


Riggs: I'm sorry about last night, you know, not being sociable with your friend.
Trish: I appreciate that, but I shouldn't have pushed. I was out of line.
Riggs: No, you weren't. Look, Trish. At some point, I'm going to need a little push.

And yes, I look forward to checking out of this place, but no I'm not going to punch my own ticket.


Det. Cho: I hope Riggs knows how lucky he is.
Murtaugh: And, I'm 100 percent sure he does not.

If I abandon this ship, there's no one there to keep him afloat.


That's what this is? You guys playing matchmaker?


You know the funny thing about Riggs? He can be on a sabbatical even when he's with someone.


Don't burn your one bridge out of wherever it is you are.

Dr. Cahill

Captain Avery: Do you know what a centerboard is?
Murtaugh: A centerboard? No.
Avery: It's part of a sailboat you can't see, but it keeps the boat upright and allows it to be steered. That's you, my friend. That's why I put you with Riggs. It wasn't an accident.

I could have put Riggs with anyone. I chose you.

Captain Avery