Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons.


We're a family. You're not alone.


I'm ending his career on Labor Day, even if I've got to go to his cell to do it.


You've got a 10 million dollar fight in two months. I'm going to give you 24 hours to figure out how important that is to you. After everything you've been through, I'd like to see you get there.

FBI Agent

You're worth more to him alive than you are dead.


Johnny: Oh man, Lights. You? Whores?
Patrick: C'mon.
Johnny: I know, right? They should be paying you.

Does this "culture" have a name?


C'mon, Pops. No beer? It's un-American.


Patrick: Quote me: The fight is on and Reynolds is going down.

Cooking's not a contact sport. I'll be fine.


We're not in high school anymore, Pat. You don't get to vent my boyfriends.


Barry: Mustafa: 30 and 1, 28 K.O.s, Ukrainian, Muslim, fighting "Death Row" Reynolds, Defender of America's freedom.
Richard: That don't even make sense, Barry. If the man is Ukrainian, he's going after Russians, not Americans.
Barry: Don't let facts get in the way of the story, champ. Wrap a towel around his head; you've got a religious war.

Lights Out Quotes

Patrick: I don't like your tone.
Man: What are you gonna do? Beat me up?

Please, Patrick, I love you too much to watch you die. Either you stop or we stop.
