Holy shit balls! That was awesome!


Bo: And why are you half-naked?
Kenzi: Can I tell her? Let me tell her. Come on, let me tell her!

Kenzi: Now ... can we talk about the elephant in the room? And, by elephant , I mean "sexy, sexy wolf man."
Bo:What about him?
Kenzi: "A," he is awesome and "B," you lurv him. Oh, by the way, I totally saw his wolf junk. High five!

I feel like a teenager. You tell me -- what do I do next?


It doesn't matter because Lauren is human. I sleep with her and she dies.


Gold star for Kenzi. Rebound sex was exactly what I needed.


Kenzi: We should probably find this Jenny.
Bo: And save her from this jealous Fury.

My last meal left me a little unsatisfied.


I guess some people don't deal well with rejection.


Yep, still a douche.


Bo: You don't care. You don't die. And, I trust you.
Dyson: Friends with benefits.
Bo: But definitely just friends.
Dyson: Deal.

Just one little kiss.
