Kenzi: I love you.
Bruce: I love you too, Kenzi.
Kenzi: I was talking to the car.

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.


Bo: You are more alive than anyone that I have ever met.
Tamsin: You're not like anyone I have ever met.

Crystal: I just need some sugar.
Lauren: I can't.

Can you not look at my dad like he's made of hot dogs?


The Druid: What are you going now?
The Morrigan: With Bo gone ... everything?

Dyson: Ready to go home?
Bo: Hells yes.

Dyson: If you want to unwind later we could....
Bo: Go shopping.
Dyson: Go shopping. Yeah.
Bo: If you're good, you can go in all the stores.
Dyson: If you're good I'll max out your credit cards ... twice.

Kenz, since when do you fly solo? I'm back. We're back. Baby got back together like.


And my hair brush. You can keep. 'Cause that's not creepy at all.


Aww. Spy-banged.


Once upon a time we never found the right time. The end.
