I never thanked you my friend.


Bo: I know you.
Dyson: I think I know you too.

Listen, if you kill Yogi and Boo-Boo I'm never talking to you again.


I don't want to share you, Bo.


Dyson: I can be intense. I can be territorial. And, God knows I can be mule-headed. But, I'm also yours if you'll have me.
Bo: Dyson you are an idiot. You've been mine for a very long time.
Dyson: You better be careful because wolves mate for life.

So, all I have to do is find and defeat a mysterious Fae?


Dyson: Her real name is Aife. I've been expecting her to come for her for a while now.
Bo: Why?
Dyson: Bo ... because she is your mother.

One down. Let's go start ourselves a war.


I am ready to know who or what I really am ... whatever the cost.


Kenzi: Why would I ever trust you around Bo again?
Dyson: Because I love her.

Aife: Cookie?
Bo: What's with the Betty Crocker?

Just one little kiss.
