Passenger: If I was your wife, I wouldn't like this.
Don: She knows I'm a terrible husband.
Passenger: How long have you been married?
Don: Not long enough. I really thought I could do it this time.
Passenger: Did she kick you out?
Don: No. She doesn't know that much, but she knows.

Well, the snows melted but not the hearts of New Yorkers. I just had some old lady call me a kike.


I didn't know I was going to be interrogated by the Hooterville telephone operator.


Pete: Sometimes I think I died and I'm in some sort of... I don't know if it's heaven or hell or limbo. I don't know what it is, but I don't seem to exist. No one feels my existence.
Ted: Just cash the checks. You're gonna die one day.

Sally: Please stop.
Don: I'm not stopping the car.
Sally: Stop talking.

Well, I'm all for the national advancement of colored people but I do not think they should advance all the way to the front of the office. People can see her from the elevator.


Bonnie: An act of God, Pete. That's how you know when things are really against you.
Pete: You don't seem very upset about it.
Bonnie: Because that's the thrill. Our fortunes are in other people's hands and we have to take them.
Pete: I want to chew you up and spit you out.

It's sunny here for everyone but me. I'm walking around in a cloud of no.


So with a clear head, you got up every day and decided you didn't want to be with me.


It's OK Don. This is the way it ends. It's going to be do much easier for the both of us.


You have stiff competition, but I believe you to be the most dishonest person I have ever worked with.


Bobby: She really likes you.
Betty: Yeah, well that blouse says she likes everyone.