Ted: I have to eat something.
Don: Doesn't ice count.

I need you, and nothing else will do.

Sylvia (to Don)

Burt: You're a real prick, you know that?
Roger: Damn it Burt. You stole my goodbye.

Burt: My clients will leave with me.
Roger: Haha. No one will ever say you weren't funny, Burt.

Don't act like you had a plan. You're Tarzan, swinging from vine to vine.


You don't care about the company! You're already rich!


She's the apple that goes in the pig's mouth.


How dare you. This cannot be made good. It's shameful. It's a shameful, shameful day!


The man knew how to talk. I don't know why, but I thought that would save him. I thought it would solve the whole thing.


Peggy: What are they doing? They're really still having the awards?
Don: What else are they going to do?

Peggy: Don't do anything stupid.
Abe: Hey, it's too late. I'm going to Harlem in a tuxedo.

He's the head of accounts. He's like Roger, with bad breath.


Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
