Well we wanted fireworks.


She says she's never stolen anything and if she wanted to clean up after murderers she'd move back to Honduras.


Hold on. Arsenic? Where's the old lace? Who uses arsenic in this day in age?


Brad: Can't we be our old, regular selves for a minute?
Lisa: Please

  • Permalink: Please
  • Rating: Unrated

You've learned a lot about how the justice system works, haven't you?

Dr. Joe

Loud music, then gunshots. That's all I've got. Everyone's pretty tight-lipped.


I don't want Alice to finish up her life as a nameless, invisible person on the street. I have to be her voice.


Girl: Wait...don't you want to know who did it?
Sykes: I'll find him. That's my job.

Okay, this good luck thing is not going to fly. Someone pointed that gun out to you, which means there is a witness.


While you've been at the hospital and the morgue, we've been investigating a triple homicide. So excuse me for ignoring you.


When Captain Baird gives an order, we follow it, even if we can't quite remember who he is.


Rusty, this essay makes you sound arrogant and conceited.


Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.