Yeah, I heard her. She said 'silver car'.. How's that for the last words you ever say on Earth?


So, Captain... do you have anything to report that may diffuse the situation?


Isn't it amazing that a woman who has been dead for almost a decade can still cause so much trouble?


All right, when are we going to arrest the Reverend Cop Killer?


You have a better mother and... Rusty, I'll always love you and I'll always be sorry, but you should not be my son.

Sharon Beck

It's enough. So you need to go and you need to live your life. Don't come back.

Sharon Beck

Taylor: Lieutenant, I don't think we should clump.
Provenza: Then move.
Taylor: You move.

Daniel Price: God forgives me all my sins.
Hickman: I don't. I don't forgive you.

Hickman: When are you guys gonna stop hating me and start hating the bad guys?
Flynn: You are the bad guys.

Flynn: Do you have any suicidal tendencies?
Hickman: When I think I could have ended up like you.

The only reason he's free is because you committed perjury on the stand.


You thought of Rachel Gray as The One. She thought of you as just one more.


Major Crimes Quotes

Waddya know. A hanging Chad.


Provenza: Oh this is a crappy way to make a living. Working with the worst the world has to offer without being in charge.
Flynn: You weren't in charge for eight years.
Provenza: Yeah, but now I'm mad about it.