Hobbs: Congratulations, you have finally made me suspect Father Jonas.
Provenza: And that's a problem because?
Hobbs: You've also made me think I have to investigate Ryan's biological parents, and reopen the investigation into the death of his stepfather, because the theory that the three boys covered up his murder suddenly seems plausible. And then there's the unhinged neighbor and his daughter who has a driver's license. A defense attorney would have a field day with all of this. Call me when you drain the suspect pool.

Page: What is everyone putting money in that jar on the Lieutenant's desk?
Nolan: You pay him 5 cent for printing. Everyone does it. And never sit at Lieutenant's desk.
Page: Anything else I need to know?
Nolan: Yeah. It's great that you can get into Commander Raydor's head so well, but you might want to let her talk first, since she is in charge.

Look, when we first met, I didn't like you, not only because you were difficult but because I dislike all teenagers. But now you're an adult and you've grown on me.


Father Stan: Sarah, it might be best to pray for the faith and the strength to overcome -
Mrs. Garza: We trusted you with our son! And look what happened! If it weren't for you, those other two boys would have never talked Lucas into walking off with them.

Agent: Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, has anyone contacted you by text, phone or email about your son?
Mr. Diaz: What is this about? Is this about a ransom? We told you everything we know.
Agent: We do have some news. Fortunately, it's not about your son.

Mason: Better to have the FBI standing inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.
Raydor: Either way, I'm not cleaning it up.

FBI Agent: The Garzas don't have cartel connections.
Page: Don't assume that just because they're Mexican, the Diazes are connected to drug cartels.
FBI Agent: I'm Mexican! I don't assume connections to drug cartels because of Mexican heritage. I assume it because they're illegals.

Buzz: And now the press is here.
[Provenza looks at crucifix]
Provenza: Thanks for nothing.

Page: The other boys knew he was diabetic so either they're dead too or they're involved.
Raydor: Not dead. It's too hard to think they're dead. And for official purposes, Lucas Garza isn't either.

Medical Examiner: Without other evidence as trauma, we have to assume that he died of complications of diabetes.
Buzz: Diabetes didn't dump his body here.

Major Crimes Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Page: The other boys knew he was diabetic so either they're dead too or they're involved.
Raydor: Not dead. It's too hard to think they're dead. And for official purposes, Lucas Garza isn't either.

Medical Examiner: Without other evidence as trauma, we have to assume that he died of complications of diabetes.
Buzz: Diabetes didn't dump his body here.