Sykes: Do you think that Mrs. Chandler realizes that in accusing her ex, she's building a motive for her teenage son?
Provenza: Maybe she's desperate.
Sharon: Adding a new member to a family is tricky.

Flynn: You don't know the name of your husband's supervisor?
Mrs. Chandler: No, Tom worked on super secret stuff.

Well, it's just a little miracle, isn't it? Everyone who lives here was away when the murder occurred. Where is the newlywed widow?


Rusty: Okay, don't get me wrong, those photos were disgusting, but if the suspect just downloaded them...
Andy: No, no, it doesn't work that way. Trading in kiddie porn creates a market for more children to be abused.

Rusty: Did all this stuff belong to the victim or to someone he was blackmailing?
Provenza: That's what we're gonna have to find out. Human beings... what a species, huh?

Tao: Captain, we cracked the passcode on the victim's laptop, and I just want to say... prepare yourselves.
Sanchez: Now we know why he went to the extra effort to protect his files.
Sykes: How old are these girls?
Tao: 10, 11...

Provenza: Wow. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see someone writing a letter by hand. Dear Gabe... Gabe? As in Gabe Jones, the man who killed your father?
Buzz: Yes, and I'm also writing to the mother. And I don't need your input.

Flynn: I don't understand it. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I haven't eaten ice cream in six years. All I eat is fish and vegetables. How in the world did I end up with a heart attack?
Sharon: I think you will come to agree with me that it is stress.
Flynn: What is there to be stressed about?
Sharon: How about worrying about what you eat?

Sharon: Everything okay?
Rusty: No, but I don't know how to talk about it just yet.
Sharon: Did you tell Gus you don't want to move in together?
Rusty: No... but that's what I can't talk about.

Provenza: Ah, Sanchez is here. Where's Nolan?
Buzz: He left to take care of something else.
Provenza: Something else? Isn't this enough?

Provenza: Sykes. What in the hell are we doing here?
Sykes: Uh, there's a murder?
Provenza: In 30 years, I've never worked a murder in Atwater Village. You know this is the Mayberry of L.A. They don't even have meter maids here.
Sykes: They call them Parking Enforcement.

Sanchez: Allie King is missing, sir. Trying to find her.
Trent: Allie... she's not here.
Sykes: Mind if we rush through? It's faster than getting a warrant, which would keep us here for hours.