Agent Thompson: A lot of stuff gets stolen from Howard Stark - cars bombs, death rays.
Jarvis: Actually the death ray's accounted for. It's in Nevada, I believe.

I haven't been in the back of a car in years.


Jarvis: What brings you here?
Peggy: My land lady gave me an idea.
Jarvis: Oh splendid, now if we can get an opinion from your butcher.

Peggy: You bet against me? How could you be sure?
Daniel: I wasn't that's why they call it gambling.

For God's sake will you please stop shooting things?


Peggy: Are you trying to butter me up, Mr. Jarvis?
Jarvis: Merely pleased to receive your call.
Peggy: Well you are faster than a train.
Jarvis: How flattering.

Mr Jones: I didn't know our government had such good taste in secretaries. What's your name darling?
Peggy: Agent.
Mr. Jones: That has a lovely ring to it.

Peggy: I'm actually on my way to see an aparment now.
Angie: At this hour? You sure you're reading the right kind of want ads?

Jarvis: What happened back there?
Peggy: If we live I'll tell you all about it.

Howard, you're asking me to become a traitor in order to prove you're not one, you do see the irony?


Angie: We all gotta pay our dues, even if it takes awhile. You've got talent, it's just a matter of time before Broadway calls.
Peggy: I'm afraid I can't carry a tune.
Angie: It doesn't matter when you got legs like yours.

What kind of thing is that, Agent Thompson, the alphabet? I can teach you. Let's start with words beginning with "A."


Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Quotes

Angie: We all gotta pay our dues, even if it takes awhile. You've got talent, it's just a matter of time before Broadway calls.
Peggy: I'm afraid I can't carry a tune.
Angie: It doesn't matter when you got legs like yours.

What kind of thing is that, Agent Thompson, the alphabet? I can teach you. Let's start with words beginning with "A."
