I know you probably did it for him.


The end comes for all of us Ezekiel.


E.Z.: He had nothing to do with it.
Bishop: Prove it.

Let's finish this war.


It is the end of their era, and it is the rise of ours.


There's no turning back after this.


Angel: Did she leave?
Felipe: I don't know.

Adelita: You are Adelita.
Mini: And you are the devil.

Hank, you gotta listen to me.


We need the prisoners to protect our brothers. This deal will win us the war.


Get in the truck. Leave your gun.


Handler: I know you were gonna leave.
Emily: Were you going to let me?
Handler: He won't let you.

Mayans M.C. Season 5 Quotes

Felipe: You need to tell him.
Adelita: I will.
Felipe: He'll find out sooner or later.

E.Z.: Did you forget what day it is?
Angel: What?
E.Z.: Does anything specific happen on this day every year?