I hope Riley likes Bar Mitzvahs and birthday parties. Because if you don't put your career first, that's all you'll have to share with her.


We both know Michael Mancini is a nobody without the .Dr in front of his name.


I have nothing to hide. I didn't murder Sydney.


My name is Jane Andrews. I'm Sydney's sister. I'll be your new landlord.


Which knife do you use to cue the tension in here?


If I'm eavesdropping correctly, you just scored yourself another date.


Why don't you have me give you Marc Jacobs' cell? We're in a Capture the Flag league together.


I'm Sydney's daughter.

Violet [to Jane]

Sure you're old enough to be playing with lighters?

Ella [to David]

Jonah: Since when are you Tiger Woods?
Riley: A little Google goes a long way.

Ask my father if he'd like a tie or a lawsuit for his birthday?


David: I have a life right now that doesn't include you.
Sydney: So, why are you here?

Melrose Place Quotes

I've never seen a dead body before.


David: I have a life right now that doesn't include you.
Sydney: So, why are you here?