Don't let bad Joe win, 'cause good Joe's kinda awesome.


You know they can save the tooth sometimes if you go to the dentist right away! And put it in milk!


Joe: How ya feeling?
Manfro: Like ass. I got cancer, remember?

Terry: We're thinking about making some tweaks here.
Owen: Tweaks?!? He said it sucks!

Erin: And why are you wearing the overalls.
Terry: This was my best pair of pants.

Don't worry Mr. Joe. I have ten friends we call.


Owen: I'm going on fumes. No sleep again last night.
Joe: Work stuff? Or just peeing?

Come on man, you keep this up I'm not gonna be able to do fat jokes. That's like half my repertoire.

Joe (to Owen)

We'd like to see an uptick in professionalism, and a down-tick in how should I put it...bull shit.


You're a sweetheart Joe, and I mean that in the gayest way possible.


Terry: This still is our thing.
Joe: Okay fine. When she comes back I'm talking about my scrotum.

Joe: So if I got an issue with my, um, balls, she's okay hearing about that?
Terry: Do you have an issue with your balls?
Joe: I kinda do, yeah.

Men of a Certain Age Season 2 Quotes

Manfro: I want my last meal.
Joe: Oh come on.
Manfro: I'm gonna be doing a lot of jokes like that so you better get used to it.

Erin: Old friend? She's not that old.
Terry: Actually she's 58.