I'm saying that I need to learn how to be with someone who just wants me. I really want that someone to be you.


Karen: I have a guy. A PI I used last year with the Elizabeth situation.
April: Well there's an endorsement.

I told you you wouldn't see it happening. You'd just suddenly find yourself here, on the losing end of this game.


If I had a family that big who loved me that much I would definitely care what they thought.


We never had a chance, did we?


Maybe he was just waiting his whole life for you.


You have always led with your heart despite the rules.


Savi, why are you wearing the depressed pony tail hair? What were you two just talking about?


Joss: He bought me a Tesla?
April: I think we have different definitions of the word problem.

I am finally the independent woman that Destiny's Child wanted me to be.


Babe, and don't take this the wrong way, but you're broke.


Savi: He was trying to teach me how to do that pop up thing. I never actually popped up.
Joss: I bet he did.

Mistresses Quotes

Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Savi: Where's your wedding ring?
Harry: It's in my pocket.
Savi: Put it on.