Get away from me temptress! And I never thought I'd call you that in a negative way.

Cam [to Mitchell]

Cam I don't have all day to describe my meals to you.


Phil I think those are jazz shoes.


Haley: You're a freshman, what are you doing in second year math?
Alex: You're a senior, what are you still doing in second year math?
Haley: Not still, again!

How awesome are people?


Let's face it a well fed Cam is hardly a model of emotional stability; now deprive him of food and stage by stage it's a slow descent into madness.


You know I'm gonna check the lease, but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to have a meth lab.

Mitchell [to Cam]

Claire: None of you believe me so I got proof. You should all be sucking it right now!
Gloria: Claire, please, enough with the sucking it! They're children!

Mitchell: The attic? Why?
Luke: At least it's big. Grandpa said you used to live in a closet.

She looks like she was dipped in glue and dragged through a flea market.

Cam [about Lily]

Phil: Guess it's just one of those things that we'll never know, like what really happened to the Titanic.
Claire: It hit an iceberg.
Phil: Maybe.

Sweetheart I would love to be wrong, but I don't live with the right people for that.


Modern Family Season 3 Quotes

Look I'm the horse whisperer but something is making this one skittish!

Gloria [screaming]

Cam: You hate her sparkly outfit, don't you?
Mitchell: No I told you it was fine, I just didn't like you wearing a matching one.