Nicte: Are you sure it's Alder and not somebody wearing her face?
Tally: Positive. She's different though.

Nicte: Doesn't look like a jail.
Horse: Astute observation. You must be the smart one.

I enjoyed that last bit. It's been decades since anyone's pulled one over on me.


Abigail, you may want to slow down.

Khalida [to Abigail]

Tally: How are you here?
Alder: Same as you. I came through the front door.

Drink these. It will make things easier.


Nicte: Charming.
Scylla: I've sure you've dealt with worse.
Nicte: Look. There's a moldy mattress there with your name on it..

If the Camarilla did take [Khalida], then I feel bad for the Camarilla.

Abigail [to Adil]

Anacostia: They're not going to let you take [Silver] down without a fight.
Wade: You should know by now that I like a good fight.

Abigail: Told you it would work. You OK?
Adil: Never again.

Scylla: We know our way around the Session. We can lose them.
Nicte: I like the confidence, Rammshorn.

One can always find common ground over a glass of bourbon.

Minerva [to Petra]

Motherland: Fort Salem Quotes

Listen to me. This is when you go to college. Find a girl, get married, everything nice and good. This is when I go to grind our great nation's enemies into dust.

Abigail [to Paul]

Neighbor lady: I know you're off to Salem tomorrow.
Raelle: Yes, ma'am. A permanent government vacation until I'm old and gray. If I make it that long.