December 29, 2022 | 0 Comments
Many shows ended in 2022, but not all of them got to end on their own terms. Check out our list of TV shows that had a say in how the story concluded.
Many shows ended in 2022, but not all of them got to end on their own terms. Check out our list of TV shows that had a say in how the story concluded.
Our review of Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 10 reveals what happens during the witches’ ultimate battle with the Camarilla and shows who lives and who dies.
On Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 10, in a climactic battle, the Unit and its allies fight the Camarilla as Alder seeks the final piece of the First Song.
Our review of Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 9 is packed with highs and lows for the Bellweather Unit and witches in general, thanks to the Camarilla.
On Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 9, Abigail, Raelle, Tally, and Scylla speak out against the Camarilla during a trial leveled against all witches.
Our review of Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 8 reveals what happens when the Army’s invasion of The Cession gets intentionally bogged down.
On Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 8, Alder and Tally try to find the penultimate piece of the First Song while Fort Salem is under Camarilla’s control.
Our review of Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 7 reveals what happens when the Camarilla special forces leading the Army witches invade The Cession.
On Motherland: Fort Salem Season 3 Episode 7, allies converge to protect the Cession from occupation. Tally and Scylla team up while the rest seek out President Wade.
Our review of Motherland: Fort Salem reveals what happens when the Bellweather Unit splits up to take on solo missions while evading Camarilla agents.