Ace: I called you for help. You called a sin eater.
Nancy: I was trying to help.
Ace: That was not your choice to make. You made me forget everything. You made me forget Alice. You made the entire town forget what happened to her. And all this time, I wasn’t crazy to think we had a connection.
Nancy: You were in so much pain.
Ace: You didn’t think I could handle it?
Nancy: Some things are so horrific that they can’t be handled. All you can do is try and keep the wreckage from ruining you. You were destroyed. You weren’t you.
Ace: I haven’t been me anyway. I’ve been living a lie, and I know how much pain you’ve dealt with. That pain, that grief, the doubt, the loss. That made you who you are today. If your sins had been eaten, you wouldn’t be you. How could you try to change me like that?

After spending time with Tristan today and hearing how limited his life has been, I realized I should take risks while I can. Victoria is stable. My sisters are almost grown. I don’t have anything holding me back but fear.


Nick: Please, don’t destroy another innocent life.
Callie: I’ll do what it takes to ensure the continued existence of the sin eater just as my ancestors did before me. It’s our legacy to provide order to this town.
Nick: By sweeping crime and corruption under the carpet. Cherry picking who gets a do-over. That’s not order, it’s manipulation on behalf of the privileged, and it’s systemic injustice.
Callie: The alternative is worse. You should be grateful. Whether it’s Tristan or the next incarnation of his soul, the cycle is unbreakable.

Callie: How’s everyone holding up? That was a rough night in the woods, for Tristan especially.
Nick: I know you dug a grave for him. He doesn’t have to die.
Callie: We all die eventually. The only thing that survives is the sin eater, one body to the next; the soul remains generation after generation.

Ryan: I hate what they did to Nancy, what they did to you. But they’re in jail now. That’s justice enough for me. Besides, I know what they did; they were just trying to save their kid. Maybe if I were in their position, I would do the same thing.
Red: Are you going soft on me?
Ryan: No. Maybe. No. It’s just you get revenge, and then what? You burn bridges. You make more enemies.
Red: But you win.
Ryan: My parents lived like that their whole life, and they were miserable people. So I wouldn’t call it winning.

George: The Claw has been a part of the Fan family for generations. It’s like the first thing I’ve ever owned. Nick, this isn’t a simple transaction for me.
Nick: I know. Maybe sit with it, though.

Know this. I don't care about any of you, and if you ever try to break the sin eater's legacy like the Glasses did tonight, I'll come for you without mercy.


Nick: Erasing history since 1805.
Callie: Well, the town's a better place for it.

Abbott: Let me redeem myself.
George: This will not do that. Putting a target on your back is punishment, not redemption, not accountability. We do not sacrifice one life to save another.

Nancy: Bess said that you wouldn't want my help.
Ace: But you did it anyway. Why do you have to solve this?
Nancy: Why don't you want to solve it?
Ace: Because I like her. I like Jane Doe's ghost, and she feels the same way. I know she's a ghost. I know it doesn't make sense, but I don't care.
Nancy: Ace, I…
Ace: For the first time since you, somebody makes me feel happy. If you solve this, she'll go. I don't want her to leave.

Nick: You sent Abbott to sacrifice himself.
George: It was his idea. Redeem himself by saving Nancy. His choice.
Nick: But you didn't try to talk him out of it, so it was your choice too.
George: Okay, fine. You win the debate. He'll just have a target on his back until we solve the sin-eater curse, but that will be easier to do if Nancy's not dead.
Nick: And if Abbott dies? You can't sacrifice one life to save another.
George: No? If I talked him out of it, I'd be doing the same thing. Who do you want to save, Nick? Our friend who we love or a piece of crap judge who buried an assault?

I know you care for Tristan. You can save him. Don't let your death be in vain.


Nancy Drew Season 4 Quotes

I’m talking about Chunky, the ferret. Once I find the Velez family’s beloved MIA weasel, I can finally pay my overdue electric bill and make a dent in the property tax.


Nancy: Aren’t you going to be late for work?
Ryan: No, I’m a small business consultant now. I go in at like a soft 10 am.