Bess: Ace! Whoa, your box is leaking.
Ace: it's full of matzo, the driest thing on Earth.

The head of the house leads the seder. The Claw is Ace’s house. Ace leads the seder.

Ace's Mom

Nick: Everyone is complicated.
Nancy: But I just kind of hoped deep down that he was my ticket to a mature, drama-free relationship.
Nick: Yeah, but maybe there’s no such thing.

Lawyers can’t try cases when no one even knows there is a case. If that injustice isn’t real world to you, then honestly, I don’t know what is.


Nancy: You came back through the ghost web to save me. I’m going to save you now.
Tristan: And then we go our separate ways?
Nancy: I don’t know.

Nancy: Great, let’s call my ex to save the guy I like and shot.
Tristan: You like me?

Carson: Whose blood is that?
Ryan: Tristan Glass’. The lobster kid. The son of my mortal enemies. Yes, he is the Sin Eater. Nancy shot him in the woods with a poison arrow, and now he might die.
Carson: Hang on. You brought our daughter to the woods with a bow and arrow?
Ryan: I mean, technically, it was a small crossbow and a couple of arrows, but the whole plan to kill a sin eater was in the works long before I came along.
Carson: Would you stop saying sin eater, like it’s something that everyone says! We’ve got real problems here, like how the Glasses hate you, which means they hate our daughter by association.

Tristan: Dying in your arms is not so bad.
Nancy: No, you are not going anywhere. I did this, and I will find a way to fix it come hell or high water.
Ryan: It will probably be both.
Nancy: You are not going to die tonight!

Bess: Thank you for reminding me who I am when I forget.
George: It's what best friends do.

The supernatural is not to be feared. It is real, and it is a force for good.


If you fear something you don't understand because you refuse to educate yourself, then that is on you.


We have a history of erasing voices, and even now, we continue to erase the truth about missing and murdered indigenous women and children to paint ourselves as the good guys. To pretend this town was built on righteous values. I will not be a part of that.


Nancy Drew Season 4 Quotes

I’m talking about Chunky, the ferret. Once I find the Velez family’s beloved MIA weasel, I can finally pay my overdue electric bill and make a dent in the property tax.


Nancy: Aren’t you going to be late for work?
Ryan: No, I’m a small business consultant now. I go in at like a soft 10 am.