You grew up in your big house and you're going to tell me how the world works?


The fact that you don't see what I'm talking about is part of the problem.


Oh my god, I get it. I'm sheltered and uncultured now stop saying that.


Listen, I can't tell you if you should stay with Kevin but I can tell you that never in the history of the world has moving in together ever made things easier. It only gets harder. If you love the person then it's worth it but it will test you, more than you ever thought possible.


I don't want to need you, but I do. I always have.


I know that you can be so focused on fixing your body, you forget that your soul needs to heal too.


Avery: Looks like you have F.O.M.O.
Will: What'd you call me?
Avery: F.O.M.O. -- fear of missing out.

Nurse: Now don't be disappointed if you don't get very far. It's normal since you're doing this way ahead of schedule.
Juliette: Well the medical director doesn't seem to think it's too soon.
Nurse: Yeah, he's got all those degrees. I just work with people.

Avery: I'd like to try a few without that vocal thing that you're doing.
Ashley Willerman: Which one? What vocal thing?
Avery: Well it's like a catch thing, like you've got something stuck in your throat.
Ashley: Oh, that's called emotion.

Ashley Willerman: What do you think?
Deacon: Me?
Ashley: Yeah, I mean you've been doing this for like a hundred years, haven't you?
Deacon: This April.

Avery: And Maddie, she starts her internship at the studio today.
Juliette: Really? Rayna and Deacon think they can slow her roll?
Avery: That's the plan.
Juliette: Good luck keeping that genie in a bottle.

Gunnar: Maybe now you can worry about yourself for a change.
Avery: Myself? Who is that? I don't remember him.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?