Gregorio: Oh, please. Hot informant Ramon. I'm a profiler, remember?
Percy: Obviously not a good one.

You know what? You oughta talk to Pride about this. That man's got more homespun advice than Dr. Phil.

Gregorio [to LaSalle]

Gregorio: I take it family life is just peachy.
LaSalle: A week ago, it was just me. Now I've got a cryin' toddler keeping me up at night and a momma I barely know.

Something was haunting that kid. I thought I was helping him, but maybe I pushed him too far.


LaSalle: It's just an old friend.
Gregorio: By old friend, you mean former hookup.

I did some rough calculations, and he's got to be 45% muscle mass. I'm maybe 25, if you count sinew, which most people don't.


He made six phone calls to you. Did you ever think he might have something important to say?

Pride [to Hamilton]

Gregorio: Is everything in this town dirty?
LaSalle: In D.C., it's so squeaky clean?

Pride: He doesn't see the Navy as a hardship. He sees it as an opportunity to serve, and he asked me to tell you.
Loretta: Why can't he tell me?
Pride: I guess he takes after his mother in that way.

Hamilton: You think I knew he was sexually abusing players on the team. Is that what you're telling me?
Pride: I think you didn't want to, and made sure you didn't have to.
Hamilton: And how did I do that?
Pride: You made allegations disappear.

I've been in NOLA longer than i expected. I'm starting to succumb to its charms, i'll admit. it's time for me to go home, you know.


Percy: Why can't they just let us find someone like Gregorio then leave us alone?
LaSalle: You're not telling me she's actually growing on you, are you?.

NCIS: New Orleans Quotes

Disabled people are everywhere but people look right through us. We hide in plain sight.


Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.