Gibbs: He's all alone, Duck.
Ducky: Yes well death will have that effect.
Gibbs: I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about Director Vance.
Ducky: He needs time, Jethro. You know that better than anyone.
Gibbs: The hardest part is after.
Ducky: And you worry he may get stuck there, in the after.
Gibbs: I worry he'll get stuck, period.

Craig: Leon. Good to see you. I didn't know you're coming by for a visit.
Vance: I'm not visiting, I'm here to work.
Craig: Oh, okay. Let me just grab some things from your office...
Vance: No need. I'll be down here. With them.

Tony: So is he back for good?
Gibbs: I don't know.
Tony: But he's not Director Vance. So he's Agent Vance. Would that make him Probie Vance?
Gibbs: DiNozzo. Enough, okay?

Drop the bone Mr. Kang. You're coming with us. [Aside to Gibbs] Look at the size of that guy.


You could totally rock an eye patch Gibbs. And that's not important.


Ziva: DiNozzo, pull it together.
Tony: Kids. This is way above my pay grade. I spent the afternoon in a child care clinic when I almost lost my life.
Ziva: Stop stop stop stop. We're doing the director a favor, okay? We just need to be here, we need to be normal. Can you just please do that for a few hours?
Tony: Sure. Fine.
Ziva: Fine.
Tony: Only because you asked nicely.

Vance: Do you have a suitcase packed, Jerome?
Craig: Always Leon. You know that.
Vance: Good. I'll be in touch.

Khan: Who is this?
McGee: Someone smarter than you who's about to hang up.

From the ashes, McAbby will rise.


Ziva: All warehouses are the same.
Tony: Up there with old houses, churches and prisons. Gives me the willies.
Ziva: Is that the thing where people lick their fingers and them they put it in someone's ear?
Tony: That's a wet willy.

Khan: Natural ingredients break down faster. I only eat organic.
Tony: Well that's about to change. Along with a few other aspects of your ironic hipster lifestyle. So whaddya say Chaka Khan? Ready to roll on MC Hammer?
Khan: You don't know anything about music.
Tony: I know it pretty much died around 1977.

Tony: Why do you do what you do?
Khan: If I asked you the same thing, I suspect our answers would be the same.
Tony: Duty?
Khan: No. There are two reasons that are far more base. The steady pay check. Power. The feeling that you've--
Tony: Made a difference.
Khan: Conquered something. Like Caesar.

NCIS Season 10 Quotes

Gibbs: I'm on the other side now. I tried to catch Wescott, he wouldn't let me.
Ducky: No, you can't Gibbs, but you can call him.

I'm more of a Super-Mario guy, myself.

Captain Wescott