Schmidt: Have you ever dated two women at once?
Rabbi: What are you talking about? I went to camp. They used to call me the octopus.

Are we ever gonna get to the point where you stop working on me? Or instead of changing me, maybe once Jess, see it my way.


It's not a perfect system Jess, but it's mine ok? And it's private.


Tzatziki is what it's called. It's Jewish charity.


My boyfriend doesn't believe in banks. It's early in the relationship. I'm still shaving above the knee. Know what I mean?


I'm a hero Nick, just tell me I'm a good man. I really need to hear it.


What is money anyway? It's just paper that some king on a mountain said was worth something. Gold I understand, it's shiny. You can make jewelry out of it.


So yeah, I was dating them both at the same time. I'm a mess, I can't sleep, I urinate constantly. I cried the other day listening to a techno song. My tweets have been extremely literal.


A bank is just a paper bag but with fancier walls.


Oh my God. It is a hand...full of dollar bills y'all!


Nick: It's Schmidt we're talking about here. After we saw the movie "Titanic," he started the Billy Zane Fan Club.
Jess: What?!
Nick: Look it up. They're called Zane-iacs.

Enjoy the break-up. If you need me, I'll be in my room, listening to some mainstream hip-hop.


New Girl Season 3 Quotes

Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?


Puzzle me this then, Winston-- how do you live with yourself?
