Nick, you know what a squirrel looks like. You've been outside.


She's on a flip-phone. That means she's either poor, or a time traveler!


Hi there. I'm about to ruin a date and don't want to show up empty-handed.

Nick: What the hell are you doing?
Coach: Making island beats.

Are you a do-er, or a dumpling-er?


The internet said I had to stay off my feet. But then I found this wheelchair in a ditch, so...I'm ready to work out!


Did I leave my Oakland Raiders yarmulke over there?


Peanuts is an acronym! It stands for "Physical Education Activity...Nuts!"


Are you okay to drive? You've got crazy eyes!


Coach: Remember when you sat out of the game because you were sad?
Winston: I was also cold.

Coach: His jeans are so small.
Nick: Looks like a puppet, like something an Italian whittled

Is that Notorious N.A.G.? Is that Naggie Gyllenhaal?


New Girl Season 3 Quotes

Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?


Puzzle me this then, Winston-- how do you live with yourself?
