Bert: I do have a tub gator that my neighbors complain about.
Dan: Course they do. They miss their cats.

Bert: I get attached to inanimate objects too. I mean I’m not one of those weirdos who marries a boat or anything. Unless, um, do you know any single boats?
Gurgs: Not right now, but boats’ girlfriends always havin’ accidents.

Rand: She starts out slow, but then she enters a new mode, a beast mode.
Olivia: The woman who apologizes to her gavel when she bangs it too hard?
Rand: Yeah, that’s just the surface, but under that surface, she’s a maniac, ready to snap at any minute.
Olivia: That actually makes sense. Y’know she has zero unread emails in her inbox. That’s a person with real darkness inside.

Dan: Look, I didn’t want to have to do this, but I’ve run out of options. I need you to use your judicial powers to declare a piece of furniture my emotional support bench.
Abby: Do I look like a local radio DJ to you ‘cause I don’t take requests! Very sorry, I’m just coming down from Beast Mode.

Dan: Change is part of life. You either accept it or one day a guy tries to take your bench away and you briefly consider dressing it up like a very tall weird-looking man and sneaking it past a near-sighted maintenance worker.
Abby: Is that a metaphor?
Dan: I wish it were.

Night Court Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Please let me out! I’m claustrophobic and agoraphobic, which means I’m seldom okay.


Neil: Gurgs, what’s going on?
Gurgs: Well, I went into the judge’s chambers to do my primal scream therapy when I saw a guy with a knife, and I did an actual scream which wasn’t therapeutic at all.
Olivia: Oh god, was it the foot perv who’s always asking people their shoe size or the guy who sells the olives?
Dan: Well, just know that if it’s the guy who eats soup with a fork, watch out. He’s pretty good with that thing.
Gurgs: No, it’s a brand new creep.