You're choosing burgers in the suburbs over catching the bad guy version of Bond? Where are your priorities?


Jim: Dave is a normal guy.
George: So were you, once.

Stephanie: You're super strong and I'm super... [passes out drunk]
Jim: And that's why we don't have any friends.

Humans are the only species that insist on monogamy. Go to the zoo, check out the monkeys, it's like boogey nights in there.


You guys must make some serious cash with this 'heroes for hire' stuff.


When people show up to your house with ticket to see the strong-man, do not say I didn't tell you.


Goerge: The only thing Mathews is known for is missing bodies and bullets.
Jim: Do you have anything helpful to say at all?
George: No.

Wait a minute; superheroes do not negotiate with criminals. You go in there and flex and do your Jim-Jim thing.


Jim: Mikey, you OK?
Mike: Other than the gun to my head? Yeah.

He's trading his life for yours; if that's not brotherly love, I don't know what is.

Loan shark

You're the coolest accident I've ever known.


George: Let's just say we're way passed wifi.
Jim: Now this is a lair.

No Ordinary Family Quotes

Stephanie: Who are you texting now?
Daphne: God.

I don't know why you guys can't go without me and just photo shop me in.
