Grace: I broke up with my boyfriend.
Wolf: Wait, you had a boyfriend?
Grace: Wow, we all really need to talk more.

Keon: I lost my temper today, at work. I never do that.
Naz: I broke down in front of a coma patient's family.
Keon: This job.

  • Permalink: This job.
  • Added:

Grace: There's gotta be someone.
Nic: You get so good at faking your own strength that you start to fool yourself! And then it's just you and your toes. And even they don't stick around.

Yeah, Baby Jay, okay. You've gotta hit the hay; your mom, your mom, she's on the verge of losing her mind. Oh, you ... you understood that? Well, yeah man, You know, you've gotta look out for her. She struggles sometimes, right? But she keeps getting back up, and she loves you. She loves you a whole lot. Man, if you've got that. Man, you've got what matters. You've got what matters. Yeah, Baby Jay, you made me kind of feel like a grown-up. I like you man. Yeah, you're alright.


Grace: I'm just so tired of holding it all together. It's become who I am.
Nic: Then be somebody else.

Sasha: Sometimes I wonder if I should have just let that couple take him. I know they were nice. Lot's of money. They seemed happy together. They would have been amazing parents, but I just ... I couldn't do it. And the thing is, he probably would have been better off.
Wolf: You'll never know. You'll never know that.
Sasha: Yeah. The path not taken, right? God, sometimes I even wonder about me. The me that I would be if I just let him go.
Wolf: There she is. What do you think she's got going on?
Sasha: Well, she's in university.
Wolf: Okay.
Sasha: Not part-time. Full-on degree with lots of parties and a cute boyfriend and -
Wolf: I heard he's a douchebag, though.
Sasha: (laughs) Yeah. That sounds about right, given my taste, but um, you know, she's having a blast.
Wolf: You think she ever thinks about that path not taken too? You know, where baby Jay is, and how he's doing? Because I bet she's looking back at you, and she's thinking she is so strong, and she is so brave, 'cause she went with her gut, and now she's making it all work.
Sasha: It's just, it's hard. And my mom keeps calling me, and I'm ike, "I got this, I got this," but, you know, I don't actually have this. I don't have this.
Wolf: But everybody needs help sometimes, right? Even amazing you needs help sometimes. And you seriously need some sleep.

Grace: How strong do we have to be, to face what we face everyday, treating people on the worst day of their lives, every shift?
Patient's Family Member: He has Hep C, 'kay? And he fell. He's sick and you gotta help him.
Grace: The madness of ordinary moments, accidents, incidents, unexpected pain, unknowable outcomes, and the unpredictability of human nature.

Grace: You know, your life plan will always revolve around you, because I'm just a moving piece in it, but that's okay, because for me, I guess, I was using you too to survive.
Kabir: Survive what? What are you talking about?
Grace: But that isn't working anymore, so it's time to try something else.
Kabir: Grace-
Grace: Kabir, we're done. You keep making your plans, and I'm gonna make some new ones of my own.

Grace: Hey, um, are these rumors about him true?
Kabir: What rumors? what did you hear?
Grace: Well, nothing specific, just some nurses at The General have been saying some things about him being inappropriate.
Kabir: God. God. You scared me. I thought maybe something serious had happened.
Grace: What, you don't think that's serious?
Kabir: Of course, it's serious, if it were true. You know I'm all about the "Me Too" stuff, you know that, it's just, it's not really the case here.
Grace: How can you be so sure?
Kabir: Because I've spent enough time with the guy to know. He's a powerful man at the top of his game, and with it being so zeitgeist, crabs are bound to crawl out of the woodwork.

Dev: He loves life. He lives it fast and loose. We had a million conversations about him slowing down, but, uh, I could never get through.
Naz: I know what you mean.
Dev: Look, I ... you look so much like ...
Naz: Nazneen Khan, film star Aaliyah Khan's daughter?
Dev: Yeah, that's right. Wow, oh, okay, um, I was madly in love with you.
Naz: Why did you fall out of love?
Dev: Just distance. You disappeared completely. What happened?
Naz: I, um, I was basically you a few years ago. My twin brother, Amir, who also loved to party, he wrapped his car around a pole.
Dev: Oh, my god, I am so sorry.
Naz: There were a million recovery attempts. The never-ending roller-coaster of the Amir show. And then when the show ended, I needed a fresh start. And now here I am, with one half of me missing.
Dev: He would be proud of you.

Grace: You remember that day at The General when you saw me in the OR crying by myself? Do you know why I was crying?
Linda: Grace, this isn't a path you want to go down; It's a dead-end. It never turns out well for the nurses.
Grace: For the nurses?
Linda: No one ever wins against him.

Vivian: My dad doesn't know about that fight, that the last thing I said to her was ...
Grace: Oh, honey, that isn't your fault.
Vivian: After that I just did what I had to do.
Grace: To survive. I get it. Believe me, I do. But I think everything you've done up until this point has been totally right. Everything. I think sometimes the things that we do to survive stop working. Sometimes they even hurt us. Then, maybe it's time to try something else.

Nurses Season 1 Quotes

For the last time, I'm not sick, I am just dying. And I can walk. My lungs are toast, not my legs.


People say you're only sick as your secrets. And hospitals are full of secrets. Some are harmless, but others, whispered in the wrong ear. Well, they can be fatal.
