Dev: At every party, he was always the one buying everyone trays of shots. Always wanted to go to the next club, the next bar, keep the party going.
Naz: Well, when someone's in that mode, there's nothing you can do to stop them.
Dev: No, I knew he had a problem. I should have pushed harder for him to get help.
Naz: He was drunk when he came in earlier. I gave him a pamphlet, and I discharged him
Dev: Hey, hey, it's not your fault
Naz: Right back at you.

Dr. Banks: What happened between us the other day, it can't happen again.
Keon: Okay.
Dr. Banks: Not at work.
Keon: So what about other places?
Dr. Banks: Keon, I like you a lot. Don't get smug about it. There is a power dynamic between us that we, that I need to address.
Keon: I don't mind you being incharge, if that's what you're asking.
Dr. Banks: Well, I do. In the delivery room, I have to be, but not in a relationship. It's gotta be 50-50.
Keon: Cool. So we can just take turns being boss in the bedroom.
Dr. Banks: I am a single mother with a busy practice. I don't have time-
Keon: You sure got a lot of excuses though.
Dr. Banks: Keon, we're in very different places in our lives, and you need to ask yourself if you're going to be okay with what I have the capacity to give.

So, being exhausted, overworked, stressed, that's just part of the human condition. And all that matters in the end is how you choose to manage that stress. And how you handle it can either make you a hero or desperate.


Wolf: I'm not sharp today.
Edward: You got like the thousand-yard stare. Did you know that they coined that term during the Second World War and it's a symptom of battlefield exhaustion and stress?
Wolf: Except I am not on a battlefield.
Edward: Oh yeah? don't kid yourself.
Wolf: I guess I've been burning the candle on both ends. Running into financial difficulties.
Edward: Yeah. I mean, well, I think there's only one finacial difficulty: no money.
Wolf: That would be the one!

Damien: Wolf, this is my best friend and the world's worst cribbage player, Sergent Edward Miller.
Wolf: Nice to meet you, sir.
Edward: Hey, he looks like he's in the movie where that kid wakes up in the grown-ups body. Come on, man. Everything's too big for him. The table's too big, the shoes are too big. What's it called?
Damien: Big.

  • Permalink: Big.
  • Added:

Veer: Wait! Oh wow! You're ... are you Nazneen? Are you Nazneen Khan? Ha-ha! I got it. Bollywood child star Nazneen Khan. Holy shit! My cousin Dev was in love with you.
Naz: If there's nothing more -
Veer: Of course there's more. You gotta do your catchphrase, the warrior dressed as the baby cow.
Naz: No. Now sit up straight.
Veer: Please, please, please. Yo, Dev and I watched all your movies. You, you didn't help me with the pain. The least you can do, is anesthetize me with your talent. The coast is clear.
Naz: Moo-moo, I love you!

Naz: My patient cracked his collarbone and is in significant pain.
Sinead: So ask a doctor to write you an order.
Naz: That's the thing. I'm worried he might also be a drug seeker. Should I still ask for narcotics?
Sinead: Go with your gut. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Naz: I didn't ask about ... ducks. Is that a yes or a no?
Red: Yeah, that, that's a firm no.

Naz: Sinead?
Sinead: Speak fast. I'm one year closer to my grave.

Ashley: Speaking of hygeine issues, you smell a little ripe.
Wolf: No, I put on deodorant today. I think. Or was that yesterday. I don't know. What day is it today?
Ashley: I'm worried about you, roomie. Seriously, nap on your break. Please.

The odds of being killed by your own toothbrush are about 642,000 to 1. But those odds dramatically increase if you're stressed and totally burnt out. Now, I'm not saying if you're tired not to brush your teeth, but ...


Grace: Can we outrun our past? Or is the problem with running that you get tired? You get tired of hiding. Tired of trying to be what everyone expects you to be. Maybe running is not the answer. Because sooner or later, you gotta ask yourself: why run when you can dance?

Dr. Banks: The senior nurses seem to raz you a lot; it doesn't bother you?
Keon: I'm just the flavor of the month. They'll get bored of me soon.
Dr. Banks: Are you sure?
Keon: Seen it a million times. In football, the senior guys had us do some pretty ridiculous stuff, but you realized the tougher they are on you, it's like the more they respect you.
Dr. Banks: Cute, but this isn't football. Maybe you've heard the saying, "nurses eat their young?" And they don't ever get bored or full, they just keep on eating. Oh, um, and nice moves by the way. Who doesn't love a man who can dance?

Nurses Season 1 Quotes

For the last time, I'm not sick, I am just dying. And I can walk. My lungs are toast, not my legs.


People say you're only sick as your secrets. And hospitals are full of secrets. Some are harmless, but others, whispered in the wrong ear. Well, they can be fatal.
