I can’t be in the middle. You know I love both of you so much. Have you talked to her?


I know I hurt you, Joe. I am so sorry. It was a one-time mistake. Joe, I love you so much.


Kinsley: Note to self. Steer clear of Grandpa,
Joe: Grandpa’s fine.

Joe: How do know when things are getting really serious?
Celeste: When you have to ask someone if they’re getting really serious.

Amy: Are we broken?
Joe: I don’t know Amy, maybe we are.

This is what I’ve learned in the sum total of therapy that you paid for…you have to talk about it.


Ordinary Joe Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

I know I hurt you, Joe. I am so sorry. It was a one-time mistake. Joe, I love you so much.


I can’t be in the middle. You know I love both of you so much. Have you talked to her?
