I will tell you the real reason I am not going. OK? I was not invited.


Julia: I didn't come here to talk.
Joel: No you didn't. Ah. Wow. This is a first.
Julia: I mean, if you don't have time...
Joel: Oh no. I have time.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I trust you and I believe in you. Can we please do this together?


Mom! Mom, you won the debate. You're a statistical anomaly.


Education's my platform, not my son. OK? He's off limits, let's move on.


I'm not going to go drive this. What if somebody sees me?


Julia: That's rude, though. Someone is ringing your doorbell, you answer the door.
Joel: You never answer the door.

Kristina: What if they don't fall in love with me?
Heather: Honestly? Then we call it.

You think that the two cars we're going to own are a VW Bug and a minivan? And what will I drive to work? You know I work with musicians at a recording studio and I'm going to show up in either a little tiny vagina or a humongous vagina?


Crosby: You say minivan, I hear vagina. That's what I hear.
Jasmine: OK. Well, we're goin' vagina shoppin' tomorrow. So, sorry about that.

Ryan: My dad died when I was 11, and my mom remarried half a year later to a guy who was OK to her but thought corporal punishment was the best way to handle a wild kid who was pissed as hell about losing his dad.
Sarah: Oh Ryan, I am so sorry.
Ryan: No, no, no. I don't need pity. I'm just telling you the reason why I left town as quick and I did and never looked back. Never will.
Sarah: Ryan, you don't have to give me an explanation on any of that.
Ryan: Well, I want to give you the answers to questions you keep asking. So. Not everybody has a family like yours, and, ah, I know that I messed up. I know that I did some things that scared you the last time that I got back, and it should have, she's your daughter and I love her. I love her so much, and I'm working so hard to get better. I want to be worthy of your family. I want to be worthy of her. And, I know that you think we're rushing into this too fast, but I gotta tell ya, you grow up real fast on your own, you grow up fast in the military. I know what I want, and I want us to start our lives together.

You're actually a great band. You have great songs. Oliver, as annoying as you are, you can sing, man. So, just sing, and leave the rest to us.


Parenthood Season 5 Quotes

That's my motto for life - I'm just in it for the sugar.


Max: I walked, during my radius, that I can walk to on my own. The idea is that I build autonomy so that eventually I'll be able to move out and support myself. Also, eventually, they're going to die, so I'm going to need to learn to live on my own anyway.
Hank: Hmm. That's touching.