Was that him back there? Nick D'amato? You two seem pretty familiar.


Bobby: My guilt is over you. I don't want you putting your life on hold.
Keri: I'm not putting my life on hold.
Boby: You're talking about men?
Keri: Do you really want to have this conversation right now?

Pat: Banks have tightened their belts since '06.
Jessica: Yeah, for regular people. But rich people can always get more money. That's why they're rich.

Jessica: This is your chance to hit the reset button. If you secure campaign funds from other sources, you can finally buy your freedom.
Bobby: It's not that simple. I wouldn't be here without him.
Jessica: What's the point of being here if he controls you? I see how it eats away at you every day. It's time to be your own man. Take away his money, and you take away his power. Unless of course, this is about something else. Is there something else, Mr. Mayor?

Jessica: I'm not having any of that.
Derrick: Any of what?
Jessica: Don't give me that bullshit. I know you two had a dustup on the Ickarus tour.
Derrick: I'm telling you it was nothing.
Jessica: And I'm telling you that whatever it is between the two of you, it needs to end right now.

Jeff: You must be Nick.
Nick: And you are?
Jeff: Jeff Malone. Jessica and I live together.
Nick: How'd you know who I was?
Jeff: Oh, Jessica described you to a tee. Good looking Chicago cop with a striking resemblance to the mayor.
Nick: I'll take good looking.

Just so you know, Jessica tells me everything. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't, but thanks for looking out for her when I'm not around.


Yoli: You're Jeff! Yoli. I'm the one you spoke to on the phone.
Jeff: Oh it's nice to meet you.
Yoli: It's nice to meet you. You're just like I imagined. Very Morris Chestnut.
Jeff: Thanks, I think.

Bobby: Why aren't you dating him?
Keri: Because something is wrong with me, and I said I was in a relationship.
Bobby: We are in a relationship. I need you, Keri.

Jessica: They're family. I should have done more to help them.
Jeff: They've been your family for like 15 minutes.
Jessica: What's that supposed to mean?
Jeff: It means they're strangers. You don't know them. They don't know you, and you're trying to make up for something your father did, and that's not your responsibility. You want family. Your family is sitting right here in front of you, and you can't see it.
Jessica: I know you're my family.
Jeff: Do you?
Jessica: If you're my family, then they are your family too, and if you can't accept that then we have a bigger problem then whether I can get to Miami or not.

You have to admire a politician who admits to being a puppet.


Jessica: Who's Tommy Diehl?
Bobby: Ancient history.
Jessica: It didn't feel like ancient history to that man back there.

Pearson Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Bobby: My guilt is over you. I don't want you putting your life on hold.
Keri: I'm not putting my life on hold.
Boby: You're talking about men?
Keri: Do you really want to have this conversation right now?

Was that him back there? Nick D'amato? You two seem pretty familiar.
