Man I hate groupie on groupie crime.


Ginny: Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not about dating teammates.
Jordan: Don't take this the wrong way, but neither am I. How are you about making friends?

Blip: I'm a baseball player without a no trade clause, nothing is written in stone.
Ginny: But, I mean you can't move! You're the only real friends I have.

Blip: Your turn to set the table.
Ginny: Again? You're not going to help?
Blip: Help? I got you in didn't I?

Blip: You know they're only seven, right?
Ginny: And a half!

You're going to need to cut at least two million dollars from the payroll.


Al: You have unusually long eyelashes.
Oscar: It's from my mother.

I take that back. One of you is a goner.


Mike: I remember my first deadline. I couldn't sleep for a week.
Blip: Oh here we go, Grandpa story time! Somebody, get him a pipe and some ear hair. Oh wait, hold on, no all he needs is the pipe.

Baker you can relax. You're the biggest story in baseball, you're not going anywhere.


I'm immune to guilt . Chicken Pox and guilt. Neither of them get me anymore.


Ginny: You are not a good teammate.
Mike: Never said I was.

Pitch Quotes

Ginny: But none of that matters, you know why?
Frank: No, but color me intrigued.
Ginny: Because today I'm the starting pitcher for the San Diego Padres.

I know it's only a 2 minute ride to the stadium and you've probably dealt with this kind of paparazzi before, but there's a billion dollar piece of cargo back here, and if you Princess Di her ass and you and me survive, I'm going to Red Wedding you and your entire family.
