Zeke: You think I’m ready for all this, auntie?
Monet: You gotta be. Because it’s happening. Don’t forget you a target now, Zeke. Everybody and they mother gonna want something from you, especially women. Now remember, I’m the only one with your best interest at heart.

LG: Guess he ain’t no narc.
Cane: Guess not.

Saxe: He already killed one parent. Maybe now, I don’t know, he’s gonna take out the other.
Davis: Please, that boy loves his mother. He wouldn’t harm a strand of hair on her weave, alright?

Carrie: You think I had something to do with this?
Whitman: I didn’t say that. But it has been my experience that you tend to blur the personal and professional lines.
Carrie: It’s why you ambushed me this way. This is amateur hour bullshit. I have no idea what happened to Jabari. I would never, ever…I would never hurt him.

Man, I don’t blame you for being upset. I don’t want to be my father either.

Tariq [to Brayden]

Cane: I’m not going down for this. Trust me.
Tariq: If both of us shut the fuck up about it, neither of us will. Trust me.

Diana: Look, it’s not entirely her fault you got shot. She feels bad, Dru.
Dru: Not as bad as I do.

Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Quotes

LG: Guess he ain’t no narc.
Cane: Guess not.

Diana: Look, it’s not entirely her fault you got shot. She feels bad, Dru.
Dru: Not as bad as I do.