Stacy: You're the only one that I can trust.
Bobby: Oh, come on, don't do that. Don't try to make me feel guilty. You prioritized your case over my job. Hell, our marriage, because you got your eye on being mayor.

Tommy: Due respect, Miguel, what the fuck does this got to do with us?
Miguel: I just wanted you to see what happens to those who betray me.

Diamond: We have to make smart moves. Or we won't be alive to spend this money.
Tommy: You know, my old partner used to say that same shit to me all the time.

Diamond: We just lit a stick of dynamite.
Tommy: Yeah, we motherfucking did.
Diamond: Doesn't all this death bother you?
Tommy: Yeah, sometimes. I wake up every day ready to die. We all know what we signed up for. And I never shot a motherfucker that didn't deserve it.

Jenard: No. Shanti, no. I ain't taking no more handouts from you, aight?
Shanti: It's not a gift. This is a loan, motherfucker. I'm betting on you. You win. I win. Simple as that.

Tommy: What's up, Vic?
Vic: What the fuck, Tommy? You following me?
Tommy: Following you? Fuck is you talking about. You ain't Waldo, motherfucker.

Diamond: If you make a move on Tommy over that Chewy shit, I won't be able to keep a lid on him.
Jenard: You think I'm scared of Tommy goof ass?
Diamond: You should be.

Listen, if you knew what was good for you, you would stay far away. Trust me.

Mireya [to Tommy]

Miguel: Look, just make sure this Tommy guy's not gonna be a problem.
Diamond: White boy won't be a problem. I'll make sure nothing pops off.
Miguel: You better. Cuz if you don't, might just cost you your life.

Vic: This is bullshit. You're already making moves without me. It's just like being in business with dad.
Claudia: This shit had to be done. Wake up, and strap on a pair of balls.

Miguel: Who are you?
Tommy: I'm the new business partner. Tommy.

Man, don't make no moves while you still heated. We can think about this, and then we can make a move.

Diamond [to Tommy]