I got a question for you. Why you can't stay off the fucking tv? I mean, you do understand the concept of being a criminal, right Ghost?


Tommy: Killing the Jimenez should be our top priority.
Ghost: No, I'd rather shoot Dre in the face.

Angela: I'm supposed to be this great prosecutor. Here I am, colluding with you to cover up a fucking murder.
Tasha: I just came from church so.

Newsflash! Everybody like everybody more than they like Dre. Facts.

Kanan [to 2-Bit]

The next time you feel you need to kill somebody so damn bad, why don't you kill Kanan instead.

Tasha [to Ghost]

Some mistakes are made to be forgiven.

Keisha [to Tommy]

Kate: He's a devil, Tommy. He's going to use you.
Tommy: Like you use me for coke?
Kate: My son is smarter than this. Just you wait, I'll be right. Love you.

Kanan: So when you find out you got a dad?
Tommy: I don't know. Not long ago.
Kanan: So, don't trip and don't waste it. I ain't never had one. I don't know, go to a ball game or some shit.
Tommy: Fuck you, man.
Kanan: Y'all can play catch or something.

Power Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Tommy: Killing the Jimenez should be our top priority.
Ghost: No, I'd rather shoot Dre in the face.

I got a question for you. Why you can't stay off the fucking tv? I mean, you do understand the concept of being a criminal, right Ghost?
