Tate: I finally faced the truth about who you are, James. Or should I call you, Ghost?
Ghost: Who the fuck is Ghost?

You know, what? I'm done talking. I'm coming to kill you.

Tommy [to Ghost]

Tasha: If you ever put your hands on me again-
Ghost: Then what?
Tasha: I'll fucking kill you!
Ghost: We already lost one kid, Tasha. Don't you ever motherfucking forget it. If Tariq dies, then his blood is on your hands. Your hands.

Ghost: So you just gonna put pushing weight over your own child?
Tasha: For real, Ghost? Now you see what it was like for me all those years.

Tommy: I had no reason to kill her. That was my girl. Til the end.
Blanca: Well, if you didn't kill LaKeisha, then who else wanted to keep her quiet?
Tommy: I tell you what, genius. You do your fucking job, you'll find your answer.

Saxe [to Ghost]: Everyone around you ends up dead, man. Angela, Proctor. Who's next?
Tommy: You are, asshole.

Ghost: As long as you're chipped up like a motherfucking dog, you stay the fuck away from me. And lose my number. I'm not playing with you, boy. We're done.
Dre: This motherfucker.

I know being a card carrying member of the white boys legal club has perks, but you made a deal with the devil.

Tameka [to Saxe]

Don't let Tommy be the reason you end up in a cell.

Saxe [to KEisha]

Kate:You know, the girl before you? Uh, Holly. She didn't get along with me either. Tommy ever tell you what really happened to trailer trash barbie?
Keisha: I don't give a fuck what happened to them. Tommy's past relationships don't mean shit to me. Our shit is strong and that's why I'm here and that bitch is not.
Kate: Oh, so then I guess he already told you. She's probably floating in a lake somewhere. She broke my son's trust and when she did that, she was dead to Tommy. Literally. He killed her. With his bare hands.
Keisha: Good. She didn't deserve him anyway.

Ramona: Not sure your personality is your best attribute.
Tate: Ramona, you already had your opportunity to learn all about my best attribute. Your loss, boo.

Tate: Do you even know who he really is?
Ramona: I know what the public knows. And they like it. And so do I.

Power Season 6 Quotes

Ghost: She shoved me out of the way. She saved my life. How many times did you say she was gonna pick herself over me, huh? You were wrong. Say it! You were fucking wrong.
Proctor: And I said I'm sorry. I was wrong.

Ghost tricked me into killing my father. And you think I'm gonna let some shit like that slide? Then you don't know who the fuck I am. I'm sorry about the kids, Tasha. They've already been through a lot. And I get it if you gotta make a move against me. But this how I'm moving now.

Tommy [to Tasha]