Can you believe Aria might be Savannah next year? We have our very own southern belle.

Emily [to Ezra]

Last we talked about college I was 12-years-old and obsessed with doughnuts! You'd never even heard of Kate.


Hanna: I wanted him to help pay for school. But you know what I wanted more than that? For him to look at me once and say "I knew you had it in you."
Ezra: I know that this isn't that same, but I used to be your teacher and I always knew you had it in you.

Have you really thought this through? That pageant world is squeaky clean and last week you were modeling a HAZMAT suit and pushing a barrel around with a liquefied friend in it.

Caleb [to Hanna]

Talia: I didn't know where this was going.
Emily [to Talia]: It's going nowhere. I'm not into girls because it's trendy.

I don't care how many beauty pageants she's won. She's an ugly person.


Alison's going to use whoever she can to keep us here forever.


Hanna: Emily stop. A's just gonna come after you too.
Emily: A can come after me any day of the week, anywhere. That's not gonna stop me from helping someone I love.

I've been offered a chance to make things right for your sister and her friends.


Mike: I only went there to find out if she knew anything about A.
Aria: Because you think that A double-crossed Mona and killed her.

Emily [about Alison]: We accused her of being A, to her face.
Aria: How do we take that back?

Emily: We're gonna figure out a way to get you out of here.
Alison: Where's Hanna?
Spencer: She really wanted to be here, but she had to be with her mom.

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
