Martin: Ah, here she comes. My beautiful bride. 
Jessica: Mr. David, may we have the room. Oh, please, I promise. No stabbies.

Jessica: You are a cancer, Martin. And the closer they get to you, the more they become you. 
Martin: You know that's not how cancer works, right? 

Martin: She's made of tougher stuff.
Malcolm: Because she's your daughter?
Martin: Because she's your mother's.

Malcolm: There are two dead women, Ainsley. How does that make you feel?
Ainsley: Terrible. Why would you even ask me that? 

Malcolm: Ainsley,  you're being reckless.
Ainsley: Oh my God, are we not going to talk about the crazy hypocrisy of you lecturing me about being reckless. Someone needs to catch this killer. It might as well be me.

You're scared, and that's why you're such a miserable cop. Because that hatred you feel? It's poison. But I'm not gonna let it poison my life too.


What if hiding the truth hurts people, turns them into something they're not? 


Ainsley: Why are you looking at me like I'm the debutant slayer? 
Malcolm: It's not that.
Ainsley: Exactly. I'm the kickass reporter who stopped the killer. With your help of course.
Malcolm: You put yourself in danger. 
Ainsley: But I had to figure it out. Not who did it but--
Malcolm: Why she did it. Yeah, I get it.
Ainsley: My father was a serial killer, too, Malcolm. I was young, but I have a right to be messed up too.

Martin: What do you need from me?
 Jessica: A partner. Help me save them.
Martin: Of course, and we will. Even these chains can't stop me. No, there's nothing I won't do to save my family. 

Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Jessica: You are a cancer, Martin. And the closer they get to you, the more they become you. 
Martin: You know that's not how cancer works, right? 

Martin: Ah, here she comes. My beautiful bride. 
Jessica: Mr. David, may we have the room. Oh, please, I promise. No stabbies.