Simon: Your incident wiped out the entire precinct's electricity.
Malcolm: That wasn't my intention.
Simon: Then what was your intention? Because it wasn't about solving the case.
Malcolm: I did if because I had to; because I needed it.

Malcolm: When I was 10-years-old, Martin Whitly tried to kill me. My father tried to kill me.
Simon: Well, that's terrible, but you knew he was a predatory psychopath.
Malcolm: I know that. My rational overeducated mind understands who he is, but the child in me thought he cared, loved me even, and now, I can't see that anymore. All I can see is me, age ten, dead.

You need real help, Malcolm. Not just a coping mechanism.


Gil: I gotta ask you something, Bright. 
Malcolm: Can I stop you?
Gil: Nope. Are you okay? You freaked out Dani pretty good.
Malcolm: I'm fi- No. I don't think that I am. 

Malcolm: Hey, Gil. I was wrong. It's not because of you. I'm sorry.
Gil: I know, kid. I know.

Malcolm: I know you're there. I get it. You're a manifestation of my subconscious. It's all so devastating. He tried to kill us.
Young Malcolm: But he didn't.
Malcolm: I'm a civilian now, Sunshine. We're going to have lots of time together. Just you, me, and ... we're going to be OK.

Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Simon: I like to create a safe space.
Malcolm: I'm not sure I have a safe space.
Simon: You can have one, but it takes work. I specialize in the treatment of inadequately processed trauma.
Malcolm: Gotcha and got that.

Gil: Are you ready?
Malcolm:  Am I ready? I slept a full three and a half hours! OK, three. It was some quality REM mixed in there.