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Malcolm and Gil have an argument. Gil tells malcolm to get out of his precinct. Malcolm goes rogue and locks himself in a room tampering with tech until a blackout happens.

Malcolm has to meet with a police psychiatrist sent from internal affairs for a psych evaluation.

Malcolm tries to deflect with humor. The others are interviewed too on what happened the night before.

Malcolm returned to work weeks later after his stab wound healed. Gil thought it was too soon.  So did the others. 

Dani was the one who took him home from the hospital, and they were met with Jessica and a nurse she hired. 

Jessica asks dani how he is doing and she tells her that Bright wants to go back to work. They both worry about him.

Dani gets a call about a murder and Malcolm overhears it and sneaks to the crime scene. 

They reprimand him about it, but Edrisa is happy to see him.   

   Malcolm keeps turning things back on Simon the therapist.

Malcolm sees a vision of himself in as a child buried alive while he's at the crime scene. 

Their case victim Tristan brought them to an organization on the list of FBI cultsVosler The cops didn't get anywhere, but Malcolm went undercover himself.

Quentin is the leader. 

Malcolm passes their test and they use electroconvulsive therapy. Malcolm let's them do it to him.

Simon is outraged about this but Malcolm ws9kains that it wasn't about ridding himself of his hallucinations and that he puts himself at risk for the case and victims to save people and make up for what he couldn't do as a kid.   

   He talks to Andy and blows his cover. He tells her Tristan is dead and he's investigating the murder. He asks her to help but she's scared.


He takes the act machine and leaves with Andy, but they kidnap andy when he's calling Gil.    

   He's worked up. Gil is upset that they have no case. Quentin shows up at the precinct, and Malcolm angrily confronts him. Quentin says he is trying to find Andy too and that they took her.

Simon asks malcolm what happened underground with Watkins. Malcolm won't share. He assumes Simon doesnt know about trauma, but Simon shares how he lost his daughter and the process of accepting his role in it. Quentin says that a deprogramer took Andy. Andy's father is a Spanish nationalist so he would pay any amount of money to get his daughter back.

Malcolm calls in his mom for help. 

She calls all of the deprogrammers she knows and interviews them with Malcolm there to get a feel for who they are.

They found curtis marsh the deprogrammer.

Malcolm continues to obsess, and it worries everyone. He's unhinged. Gil wants him to take a break and Malcolm implies that he's all screwed up because of Martin, Watkins, and Gil. 

That hurts Gil. 

Malcolm thinks Marsh is only the muscle and the real deprogrammer is still out there. 

Malcolm tells Gil that he brought all of them back into his life because he knew Malcolm couldn't say no.

Gil tells him to get out and Malcolm is apologetic but Gil slams the door to his office.

Malcom starts to see multiple hallucinations of his younger self talking about Martin trying to kill him. 

Martin locks himself in the room with the ECT and electrcututes himself. It wipes out the electricity of the entire precinct and caused a blackout.

He wanted to get rid if the visions. He finally admits it to Simon who says he can't sign off on Malcolm working there. And that Malcolm needs real help.   

   Malcolm admits that by declaring him unfit, he's not a good witness for Andy's disappearance. Simon slips and says that they'll find her.

Simon is the deprogrammer they were looking for. 

Malcolm didn't shock himself. He has an epiphany of marsh throwing his meds in the garbage.    

   Simon prescribed them.    

   Simon's daughter died in a cult and that's why he did what he did.

Simon tries to shoot Malcolm when Malcolm exposes him. Malcolm electrocutes him. 

Later, Gil checks in with Malcolm at home. He tells him he needs a vacation and to take some time off. Malcolm agrees. He apologizes to Gil, and Gil says it's oK. 

The hallucination comes back and Malcolm talks to it and tells his younger self that they are going to be OK. 


Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Simon: I like to create a safe space.
Malcolm: I'm not sure I have a safe space.
Simon: You can have one, but it takes work. I specialize in the treatment of inadequately processed trauma.
Malcolm: Gotcha and got that.

Gil: Are you ready?
Malcolm:  Am I ready? I slept a full three and a half hours! OK, three. It was some quality REM mixed in there.