Martin: I, uh, I love you both and being your father has been the best part of my life. You have been the best part of my life. 
Ainsley: Stop. I don't want to hear any last words from you. You are The Surgeon. You are the smartest one in here. Start acting like it.

I'm taking Jessica home, and I'm coming for your company, your reputation, and your freedom.


Sophie: I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.
Malcolm: Malcolm. Malcolm Whitly. Your nametag says Dr. Sarah. But that's not right, is it? You're Sophie Sanders. The girl in the box.
Sophie: And you're the boy in the basement.

Malcolm: I'm sorry for everything my father did to you. For a long time, you were all I could think about. If you were real. If you were alive. If you were OK. And now I'm sorry that I couldn't save you.
Sophie: You were only a kid.

I understand why you killed Eddie, but if I don't find the real person that killed him, I could go to prison for the rest of my life, which is why it's such a shame that I couldn't find you.


Malcolm: Gil's going to make it.
Dani: Sorry for doubting you.
Malcolm: I doubt myself all the time.
Dani: We're going to get you out of this, Bright. 

You killed Eve. Framed me for murdering her killer, and you may you -- may have killed Gil Arroyo. Now, you deserve to die, Nicholas.


You know, you really are your mother's son, Malcolm. All smoke and no fire. She couldn't go all the way either. Which is a shame. She's brilliant in the sack. 


Martin: Don't worry about me. Things are looking up. I took Ainsley's advice.
Malcolm: And she took yours.
Martin: Really? My girl!

Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

I know that Malcolm didn't kill anyone. Just let me find a way to prove it.


Stop talking to the police, Malcolm. They are not your friends. My attorneys are. Good thing I hire them by the dozen. Let's go. You're grounded.
